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Showing posts from December, 2020

Foundational Movements for Motocross: The Squat

Welcome back to the Moto Strong Blog, where I share my training tips to improve your riding skills and fitness! Today's topic is part two of the Foundational Movements for Motocross series and today's blog is all about the SQUAT.  Why is the squat a foundational movement for motocross? Think back to my last post about the hip hinge (and the picture of J-Mart blitzing the whoops) and think about how he got in that position from seated in the corner to standing just before the whoops. Boom! You got it, he performed the concentric portion of a squat. Now, think about how many times a rider performs that same movement each lap, whether on a SX, MX, or XC course. The number of squats a rider performs in a 20 minute Supercross main is probably in the several-hundreds. The squat mainly occurs while transitioning from standing to sitting and back to standing, and also while the bike dances around under your legs through braking and acceleration bumps, up jump faces, on landings, etc. E...